empower environmental action

Data-informed decisions

Dtime is on a mission to harness data
and make it a catalyst for positive change

Meet Dtechtive


Our AI-powered solution discovering relevant datasets that other search engines cannot reach.

Why Dtechtive?

Not all data are readily available as usable datasets.

Dtechtive transforms raw data into structured and usable datasets, enabling easy analysis for data users.

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Addressing the wider data discovery needs

Priority dataset acquisition


Priority dataset acquisition

Unable to find datasets of your interest on Dtechtive?

Don’t worry, we can discover and make them available for you on priority.


To inform, inspire and ignite ideas

Trusted by

Valued organisations that support our mission

Get in touch

Registered Address

71-75 Shelton Street, Covent Garden, WC2H 9JQ, London
